tirsdag 16. mars 2010

Task 2 - St. Patrick's day

St. Patrick's day

St. Patrick's day is an Irish national day. It is also called "Paddie's Day".The day celebrated om March 17, in memory of the countrys guardian angel, St. Patrick.
He is also known as the man who Christian Ireland.
This day in the US, Ireland and the UK, it is a tradition to dress up in green clothes to celebrate this day. They dressed ut the country with green things, and some places they colored the sea green.
All over the world irish people and parties with beer, other good drinks and music.
That happens often on Irish pubs, and some places it is parades, who pepole are dressed in green and orange, as a symbol of Ireland. On the most irish pubs in Ireland and England they serves something called "Irish Stew", which is lamb stew with vegetables and potatoes. They also serves Gunniess beer, which is dark beer, with distinctive taste.

Here you see how they is dressed up on St. Patrick's day.

And here had they colored the river green.

For the Irish population, March 17 as sacred as May 17 is for us Norwegians.
They have a parade where they set ut in kilts and bagpipes, and goes from one place to another.


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